compass css3

只要先import "compass/css3", 之後就可以使用所有css3 的內容,如border-radius、box-shadow、gradient…等,使用方式是@include,其實是compass幫你寫好了@mixin,你只要會用就好,而compass厲害的就是會同時幫你產生各個瀏覽器相對應的css,上面那行 ...

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  • Compass uses Sass. Sass is an extension of CSS3 which adds nested rules, variables, mixins...
    Compass Home | Compass Documentation
  • 只要先import "compass/css3", 之後就可以使用所有css3 的內容,如border-radius、box-shadow、gradient…等...
    用強大的compass+sass寫css | VISIONCAN
  • Source on Github Compass Transition Provides a mixin for CSS3 transitions. See CSS3 Spec: ...
    Compass Transition | Compass Documentation
  • compass - Compass is no longer actively maintained. Compass is a Stylesheet Authoring Envi...
    GitHub - Compasscompass: Compass is no longer actively ...
  • Generate CSS3 and SASS Compass CSS3 code quickly and easily with Create CSS3. Generates CS...
    Create CSS3 - Easy CSS3 Generator & SASS Compass CSS3 Ge ...
  • Compass Css3 Menu. Don't allow your website visitors to get lost! Try jQuery Menu! Fre...
    Compass Css3 Menu | Free Website Design Software
  • Anybody who's built a website of any size knows how quickly CSS can get out of hand. S...
    HOW TO: Get Started With the COMPASS CSS Framework
  • Which challenge question is it? I wrote @import "compass/css3"; for the first qu...
    @import"compassCSS3" | Treehouse Community
  • I'm just trying to get my head round all things SASS, Compass and the Front-end framew...
    sass - where does @import "compasscss3"; in zurb& ...
  • 在早期如果我們必須要撰寫一個最基礎的圓弧效果時, 是必須要寫很多瀏覽器前綴詞的,譬如這樣: .box -webkit-border-radius: 100%; -moz-borde...
    30天掌握Sass語法 - (14)透過Compass CSS3 Mixin輕鬆撰寫CSS3靜 ...